English Translations on Dialectical Materialism from China

Some Chinese Dialectical Terminology
Some English and Hanzi Names in 1960s Chinese Marxist Philosopy
Writings and Speeches of Mao Zedong on Dialectical Materialism
Materials on Yang Xianzhen (杨献珍), Ai Siqi (艾思奇), and the "One Divides into Two" Controversy (一分为二) 1964-80
Materials from the 1950s
Ai Siqi, "Antagonistic and Non-Antagonistic Contradictions," 1957.
Shan Hong, "An Attempt to Discuss 'Antagonism' and 'Antagonistic Contradictions'," 1957.
Articles on Peoples' Communes, 1958.
Articles on Right Opportunism, 1959.
Materials from the 1960s
"Quantum Study Simplified in Beijing University--Another Victory for Mao Zedong Thought," Beijing Ribao, May 24, 1960.
Hu Tiyun, "Dispose of Internal Contradictions Among the Masses to Speed Up Socialist Construction," Tianjing Ribao, 18 June 1960.
Guan Feng, "On the Unity of Opposites," Hongqi, August 1, 1960.
Wang Ruoshui, "The Understanding and Application of the Concept of Identity," Renmin Ribao, June 4, 1961.
Zhou Yang, "The fighting task confronting workers in philosophy and the social sciences," October 26, 1963.
"Summary of discussions on art creation," Renmin Ribao, July 18, 1964.
Yao Wenyuan, "On Mr. Zhou Gucheng's view of contradiction," Renmin Ribao, July 22, 1964.
Articles on "Red versus Expert," December, 1964 - January, 1965, Zhongguo Qingnian Bao.
Li Yushuo, "Refuting Yao Boma's Theory of 'Complete Unity' of
Redness and Proficiency," Wen Huibao, January 19, 1965.
Han Fu, "Uniting with workers and peasants is the basic way for
theoretical workers to become red and expert," Xin Jianshe, January 20, 1965.
"Mao Tse-tung Thought Guides Us in Conquering Nature", Beijing Review, November 21, 1969.
Li Guozai, "Revolution Means Solving Contradictions," Beijing Review, April 16, 1971.
Recent Materials on Dialectics from China
Zhu Guoding, [A Contemporary Chinese View of the Resolution
of Contradictions], 2003.
Li Xiulin, [A Contemporary Chinese View of the Resolution of Contradictions], 2005.
Zhang Shangren, "Calling Dialectical Contradiction into Question" (Abstract), Lingnan Journal, 2006.
Works on the History of Marxist Dialectics in China
Productive Forces, the Supply System, and Wage Inequality
The Supply System and Wage Inequality
Productive Forces, Socialism and Communism in China

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