English Language Sources on Dialectical Materialism

(Excluding Soviet and Chinese Materials Listed Elsewhere)

M. Cornforth, Materialism and the Dialectical Method, New York: International Publishers, 1960.

I. Gollobin, Dialectical Materialism: Its Laws, Categories, and Practice, New York: Petras Press, 1986.Contents

D. A. Guest, Lectures on Marxist Philosophy, New York: International Publishers, 1939.

D. A. Guest, A Textbook of Dialectical Materialism, New York: International Publishers, 1939. Contents

H. Levy et. al., Aspects of Dialectical Materialism, London: Watts and Co., 1934.

H. Levy, A Philosophy for a Modern Man, New York: Alfrend A. Knopf, 1938.

H. Levy, Social Thinking, London: Corbett Press, 1945.

E. Marquit, P. Moran, and W. H. Truitt, eds., Dialectical Contradictions: Contemporary Marxist Discussions, Minneapolis: Marxist Educational Press, 1982. Contents

Marx, Engels, Lenin: On Dialectical Materialism, Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977. (Key texts from Marx, Engels and Lenin).

R. Norman and S. Sayers, Hegel, Marx and Dialectic: A Debate, Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1980.

B. Ollman, Dialectical Investigations, New York: Routledge, 1993.

B. Ollman, Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx’s Method, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003. Contents

J. Rees, The Algebra of Revolution: The Dialectic and the Classic Marxist Tradition, London: Routledge, 1998.

J. Rosenthal, The Myth of Dialectics: Reinterpreting the Marx-Hegel Relation, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998.

L. Rudas, Dialectical Materialism and Communism, London: Monthly Labour Pamphlets, n. d. (circa 1934).

H. Selsam and Harry Martel, Reader in Marxist Philosophy from the Writings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin, New York: International Publishers, 1963.

T. Smith, The Logic of Marx’s Capital: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990.

J. Somerville, The Philosophy of Marxism: An Exposition, New York: Random House, 1967.

J. Zeleny, The Logic of Marx, T. Carver, trans., Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield, 1980.

On Althusser:

T. Benton, The Rise and Fall of Structural Marxism: Althusser and his Influence, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984.

A. Callinicos, Althusser’s Marxism, London: Pluto Press, 1976.

Useful Journals

Science and Society, especially Fall, 1998.

Science and Nature, discontinued, but some issues can still be found.

NST: Nature, Society and Thought, apparently discontinued, but some issues can still be found.