
Translations of Russian Texts on Dialectical Materialism


Early Soviet Materials

Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, V. I. Lenin, 1908

On the Question of Dialectics, V. I. Lenin, 1915

On contradiction and equilibrium, N. Bukharin, 1921-24.

Marxism and Hegel on Development and Resolution, Avram Deborin 1930

Synthesis and Negation of the Negation, from A. Aizenberg, et. al., Dialectical Materialism, 1931.

"Leningrad" Textbook of Marxist Philosophy, M. Shirikov, et. al., 1932

Dialectical and Historical Materialism, J. V. Stalin, 1938

 Materials on So-Called "Non-Antagonistic" Contradictions

Definition of Antagonistic Contradiction, from M. Mitin, Dialectical Materialism, vol. I, Moscow, 1931.

Stalin on the Compromise with the Peasantry on Private Plots, 1936.

Antagonistic Contradiction, from M. Rozental, Dialectical Materialism: A Popular Outline of the Basic Laws of Materialist Dialectics, 1937.

Antagonistic and Non-Antagonistic Contradicitons, from M. Rozental, The Marxist Dialectical Method, 1952.

"Contradiction and antagonism", G. S. Batishchev, Voprosy dialektiko-materialisticheskoi teori protivorechiia, Problemy dialektiki, vyp. #3, (an attack on Maoist dialectics), 1973.

Against the Concept of Non-Antagonistic Contradiction, from V. S. Semenov, The Dialectics of Socialist Development, 1987.

Krushchev-Era Materials on Dialectical Contradiction in Soviet Philosophy

Resolving Contradictions by "Merging", P. N. Fedoseev, Voprosy Filosofii, 1962.

Unifying Contradictions, M. B. Mitin, Voprosy Filosofii, 1962.

On Dialectical Contradiction, ("Polarist" vs. "Antinomist" views), from Soviet Philosophical Encyclopedia, 1963.

On Antagonistic Contradiction, from Soviet Philosophical Encyclopedia, 1963

Theory of Reflection, Todor Pavlov, 1962

, On Nothingness, from Soviet Philosophical Encyclopedia, 1963.

“Once more on the paradox of movement, on dialectical and formal-logical contractions”, E. K. Voishbillo, Filosofskie Nauki, 1964, #4, pp. 103-112, extracts

Is Epistemology the Essence of Philosophy? Recollections by V. N. Sadovskii of the 1950s and 1960s in Moscow State University.

Later Soviet Views

A Soviet View of Structuralism, Althusser and Foucault, 1969.

Dialectical Contradiction and Formal Logic, Evald V. Il'enkov, 1979.

Post-Soviet Russian Views

Contradiction (dialectical), Sovremennyi Filosofskii Slovar', V. E. Kemorova, editor, London : Panprint, 1998, pp 705 - 6.


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