Mao Zedong's Writings Before the Cultural Revolution (毛泽东文革前文字) is a very useful collection of speeches, debates and comments by Mao Zedong
from 1959-65. The document appears to have been prepared in the late 1990s. Some of it consists of material officially published by the PRC. Other parts come from collections of internal Communist Party documents containing Mao's speeches and comments published by Red Guard activists during the cultural revolution. A few items are from sources in the 1990s, which are listed. The original version was downloaded from the website on 7/21/2009 as "", entitled 《毛泽东文革前文字》, 文本(1957-1965). This website has not existed for several years. The document or some parts of it has been OCRed from printed document(s) and contains some minor errors and odd line breaks and spaces. These have been removed from pdf version available below.
Mao Zedong's Writings Before the Cultural Revolution (original version)
Mao Zedong's Writings Before the Cultural Revolution (pdf version)
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought (毛泽东思想万岁) is another internal document collection of Mao's talks and writings
circulated during the Cultural Revolution. It was reprinted in Tokyo in 1969 and in Taiwan in 1974. Several other collections exist with slightly different contents, sometimes called Wansui (Long Live) collections. These collections are quoted by Chinese scholars who write about the 1960s or about Mao Zedong, but they seldom give a reference to a Wansui collection. The files listed below are all several megabytes in size. A several other Wansui collections are available below.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. I, index, pp. 1-59.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. I, pp. 59-127.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. I, pp. 127-209.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. I, pp. 209-288.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. I, pp. 288-430.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. I, pp. 430-492.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. I, pp. 493-597.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. I, pp. 597-716.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. II, index and pp. 1-87.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. II, pp. 88-166.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought, vol. II, pp. 167-280.
Long Live Mao Zedong Thought (毛泽东思想万岁). This version contains material from 1958 to 1960. It is 31 megabytes in size.
Chairman Mao's Major Speeches (毛主席的重要讲话), Maritime Bureau Red Eagle Combat Team (海洋局红鹰战斗队), 1967
Chairman Mao's Major Speeches, Part I. (14 megabytes)
Chairman Mao's Major Speeches, Part II. (19.8 megabytes)
Chairman Mao's Major Speeches , Part III. (15.6 megabytes)
Mao Zedong Quotations (毛泽东语录) :
The Revolutionary Committee Demands That Unified Leadership, Smashing Duplicate Administrative Organization, Streamlining Administration, and Organizing to Set Up a Leadership Team for the Revolutionary Transformation of the Connection to the Masses Be Put into Practice.
(革命委员会要实行一元化的领导,打破重叠的行政机构,精兵简政,组织起一个革命化的联系群众的领导班子。) Study Materials, 4 (学习材料,四) .
Shanxi Revolutionary Committee Political Work Section Propaganda Office Edition (山西省革命委员会政工组宣传办公室编), October,1969.
Study Materials. (18 megabytes)
Mao Zedong Selected Quotations (毛泽东语录选编): for the internal study of the history of Confucianism and law struggle (供内部学习儒法斗争史用), 1974
Mao Zedong Selected Quotations. (3.5 megabytes)
Chairman Mao's Criticism of the Peng-Huang-Zhang-Zhou Anti-Party Group (毛主席对彭,黄,张,周反党集团的批判), no date
Chairman Mao's Criticism. (7 megabytes)
Speech to the Enlarged Central Work Group. (在扩大的中央工作会议上的讲话), February 12, 1962, (3.5 megabytes)
Additional Electronic On Mao Zedong Manuscripts are at the Australian National University